Green Point Holdings, an affiliate of H.I.G. Europe has sold Der Grüne Punkt to Circular Resources
Der Grüne Punkt
Der Grüne Punkt (DSD) set up the dual system in Germany in 1991 and is now one of the leading system operators for the collection, sorting and recycling of sales packaging waste on behalf of brand owners, producers and retailers. With its two recycling plants, DSD currently produces around 50,000 tons of high-quality recyclables for the plastics and packaging industry from plastic waste collected in the German yellow bag and yellow garbage can. Additionally, DSD consults its blue-chip customers on the recycling-friendly design of packaging.
The Deal
The combination of DSD and Circular Resources will create the first mover offering of integrated mechanical and chemical recycling solutions for plastic packaging waste. Together with DSD, Circular Resources aims to develop a unique approach by combining sales packaging licensing and direct access to material streams for both mechanical as well as chemical recycling. Thereby, it is intended to partner directly with packaging producers and help them to “close the loop” and contribute towards a circular economy via their sourcing decisions.
Our Perspective
Dirk Engelmann, Managing Director in Lincoln International’s Business Services Group, commented, “It’s been a great pleasure to have represented the shareholders and management of DSD on this important transaction that is expected to further accelerate the contributions of DSD towards the creation of a circular plastic economy. The combined group will derive tangible economic benefits from a differentiated one-stop-shop offer, capitalizing on the complementary strengths of DSD and Circular Resources. This transaction illustrates the growing importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations in driving value-creation in mergers and acquisitions (M&A).”
H.I.G. Capital
H.I.G. Capital is a leading global alternative assets investment firm with more than $50 billion of equity capital under management. Based in Miami, and with offices in New York, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Atlanta in the U.S., as well as international affiliate offices in London, Hamburg, Germany, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Bogotá, Colombia, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, H.I.G. specializes in providing both debt and equity capital to small and mid-sized companies.
Circular Resources
Circular Resources was founded to provide a one-stop-shop solution for globally recognized operators to meet their growing need for recycled plastics and their commitment to solve the plastic waste crisis. The Founder, Carlos Monreal, is also the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the leading chemical recycling company, Plastic Energy.
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I am enthusiastic about creating sustainable growth and the highest value for our clients and strive to leave a positive footprint beyond any successful M&A transaction.
Friedrich Bieselt
Managing Director & Head of Business Services, Europe
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